Last night I was interviewed by Sean Berry, host of
The Casting Couch on Blog Talk Radio, an online radio show for aspiring actors, writers, musicians, and so forth, who are hoping to break into the entertainment industry. He's had some really interesting guests on there (aside from me, of course) so do take a look at the archives.
First off, I totally enjoyed the experience, although I'll admit to a few nerves. I didn't want to come off as sanctimonious, or boring, or sounding like a moron, but people tell me I did an okay job and that's the story I'm sticking with.

So that was fun. Why do I bring it up? Well, I think it's a neat example of the subtle things you to get a bit of publicity for your press. As much as I love the idea of going out into schoolyards dressed as a giant Cormorant mascot and harassing terrified children into buying
Canada Counts, I find that people will eventually be drawn to substance over style - especially on the internet, where everything lasts forever and your thoughtful material will still be available long after a fad has died.
Not that I think I was groundbreakingly thoughtful in this interview. What the hell are 'baby gloves'? Still, I think I was able to give a little insight into the workings of a small press, talk up our books a little, and even provide useful advice for new writers trying to get published (Seriously: get an agent.)
Here's that interview if you want to give it a listen:

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